A podcast on building resilient African entrepreneurs and businesses.
Conservation Conversations, Natural Resource Wealth, Wildllife Conservation
Charter Cities, Urban Planning, Sustainability and Resilience
In this episode, we chat with Terence Chambati of Huchi Capital in Kampala, Uganda. Terence spent more than two decades in the marketing and…
In this episode we chat to Inutu Zaloumis, the co-founder and Managing Director of Pam Golding Zambia. Inutu’s love for real estate began…
On this week’s episode we chat to the BongoHive Founders Lukonga Lindunda, Silumesii Maboshe, and Simunza Muyangana. Having recently…
This week we chat to Tsitsi Mutendi who is a Family Business Expert, Co-founder of African Family Firms, Montessori Educationist and African…